jueves, 16 de julio de 2015

How sure are you about your organic food??? is just the packing?? or what it really is...
An organic production includes the quality of water, soil and plants, and this requires more time and more patience. For people leaving in Vicundo this is a lifestyle. In the picture, vicundeños are in a "minga" (a non remunerable activity where everybody works together to get a common goal, very traditional in the Andes). They are preparing an aqueduct for obtaining more pure water from a distant source. This was posible with the help of our friends of Happy Organisation: Amelie, Claire, Michael, Soraya and Jimmy.
Collecting potatoes and enjoying a sunny day in Vic Undo. "Chaucha" is a kind of potatoes that is absolutely delicious and excellent for many cooking presentations.
Vicundo is the only community where we learn astronomy and teach it to our visitors as an experiencie for the enjoying and understanding all about Ecuador means. We also have our astronomical library. Working for better times. Cayambe-Ecuador
Preparing new plants. Vicundo increases it organic production of vegetables as a way to teach our new generation the best way to conserve traditions and our  healthy food. Vicundo/Cayambe- Ecuador.